3 Reasons to Join Us at 5

3 Reasons to Join Us at 5 Hero Image 3 Reasons to Join Us at 5 Hero Image

Dear Watermark Family,

A couple of weeks ago, we announced that we are beginning a third service on Sunday, August 21, at 5 PM. We are offering the new 5 PM service each week to create a greater sense of community, a greater witness, and a greater opportunity to serve.

A Greater Sense of Community

The first reason we are starting a third service is to create a greater sense of community. As you have heard us say, one of our strategic priorities this year is to make a big church feel smaller. Creating a third stand-alone service allows us more flexibility and time for people to connect. We will facilitate opportunities for people to stay a little longer following the service to visit, make plans to share a meal together, get to know one another, or gather as a community group.

In my twenty years at Watermark, I often hear people say one of two things: either “I’m amazed at how easy it is to find community at such a large church,” or, “It is difficult for me to find community at such a large church.” I am encouraged when I hear of those who quickly connect with others, but burdened when I hear of those still searching for community.

Would you come to the new service to connect with others?

A Greater Witness

Another reason we are starting a third service is to make room for others. We want to create more room for you to invite your friends who do not know the Lord or do not have a current church home.

I remember a friend of mine who is now a Watermark Member telling me about the first time he attended a Watermark Sunday service. At the time, he did not have a personal relationship with the Lord. A mutual friend invited him multiple times, and finally, he relented and decided to visit. He specifically chose to attend the evening service we offered in previous years because he was intimidated by the larger Sunday morning crowds. Although my friend had every intention of only showing up once, the Lord planted a seed in his heart, and he decided to return the following Sunday—and the one after that, and the one after that, until eventually, he couldn’t hide anymore. The Lord stirred a hunger in his heart, and he accepted Christ. I eventually baptized my friend, and he is now the one inviting others to church.

I often think about my friend as I stand at the front doors on Sunday mornings. I wonder which people might be first-time visitors who are curious to know if the God we worship is real and cares for them. I wonder how many people turn around when they get stuck in traffic or choose not to return because of large crowds in our morning services. My prayer is that they would not turn around but come in, feel welcomed, and hear the gospel proclaimed.

Would you help us create room for others by committing to attend the 5 PM service regularly?

A Greater Opportunity to Serve

The third reason we are starting a 5 PM service is to create more opportunities for you to serve. Perhaps no one has ever asked you to serve in a church, or you don’t know what your gifts are or where to start serving. We want to help you!

Serving is one of the most formative practices we can do as Christians. By serving others, we not only bless others, but deepen our own faith as well. Jesus calls us to follow His example and to serve (Mark 10:45).

We need your help hosting a third service, for sure, but we also want to create opportunities for you to deepen your faith.

Would you please make it a priority to serve at the 5 PM service?

Would you also please take a moment right now and pray that we as a church family would build a greater sense of community, a greater witness, and more service opportunities?

See you on Sunday,


Blake Holmes 2021

Blake serves as Elder and Lead Pastor at Watermark Community Church.

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