Community Groups

Community Groups

Life is Better Together

Watermark Community seeks to guide every member to be known and loved, rooted in God’s Word, and committed to God’s Mission. Community groups play a vital role in helping relationships flourish in the life of the church. In community we are known, loved, cared for, pursued, encouraged, and challenged to be more like Christ.

At Watermark, we have married and men’s/women’s groups who meet on a regular basis to connect relationally, study God’s Word, and hold each other accountable. Our goal in community is to live out the “One Anothers” of Scripture, which are God’s instructions on how believers should live life together.

Joining a community group is part of the membership process. You can learn more about membership here or check your membership status.

Join a Community Group Community Group Resources

Men's and Women's Community Formation

Community Formation is an opportunity to connect with other Watermark members of the same gender and in the same life stage who are also looking to form a community group.

Married Community Formation

Married Community Formation, offered quarterly, is an opportunity to connect with other Watermark members in the same season of life and geographic area who are also looking to form a community group. Are you interested in joining community?

Contact us

Newly Married Community Groups

Foundation Groups are mentor-led community groups for couples who have been married 3 years or less.

learn more

Contact Us

Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.

Contact the Community Team

Membership FAQ

What is my Membership status?

You can always view your progress in the Membership process by visiting your Membership Status page.

Can I be a member of Watermark if I don’t live in the area?

The word in the Bible that is translated as “church” literally means “assembly.” A church is a group of Christians who gather together regularly to love and serve each other as the body of Christ. If you live too far away to consistently gather as part of the body here at Watermark, we would strongly encourage you to find a Bible-believing church closer to your home and become a member there.

If you need assistance getting connected to a local church body close to your home, please contact us for assistance.

Can I be in a community group if I’m not a member of Watermark?

Hebrews 13:17 says that the Elders of a local church will be held accountable for the care of the souls within the church membership. Community groups are an important part of the way that our Elders shepherd the church body. So, we ask that anyone who is in a Watermark community group is also a member of Watermark and is therefore under the shepherding of the Elders.

Can I serve in a ministry that isn’t part of Watermark?

Yes! Watermark currently partners with multiple ministries in Dallas and around the globe. For more information about serving opportunities outside of Watermark, please email

How do I sign up to share my verbal testimony?

After you have completed Membership Class, you will be connected with a member of our church who will meet with you to listen to your story of grace. This person will reach out to you to schedule the meeting.

If more than a week has passed since you completed the Membership Class and you have not yet heard from anyone to schedule your testimony, please contact us.

Does Watermark have online Membership Class?

Because the word “church” means “assembly,” and membership involves being a part of the church body, we believe that attending class in person is the best way to get connected as a member. If your circumstances prevent you from being able to attend class in person, please contact us.

What do I have to believe to become a member?

We ask all members to affirm that they agree with our core doctrinal beliefs.

Family Serving Guides

Hands and Feet Projects Guide

The Hands and Feet Projects Guide has fourteen great service projects for families with children from ages 2 to 12.

Download the Guide

162 Ideas for Serving with Your Kids

Members of Watermark share how they're serving with their kids in this guide that compiles 162 great ideas.

Download the Guide

Serve With TLI

Interested in serving with us? Read through the areas of ministry we lead to determine where your gifts could best be used, then apply.



Engaging churches and communities with a pro-life apologetic to bring equality to the preborn.

  • Developing resources and content to address issues around unexpected pregnancy and abortion
  • Organizing and promoting training opportunities in the community
  • Administrative assistance working with student advisory health committees and university organizations

Unexpected Pregnancy

Training leaders to mentor women and men with unexpected pregnancies through the decision to choose life and delivery of their child after the first year.

  • Mentoring new mothers or fathers through and following an unexpected pregnancy
  • Administrative assistance regarding mentors, open groups, and pregnancy resource center partnerships
  • Help identifying resources and supports for housing, transportation, health care

Serve as a mentor

Worth More After-Abortion Care

Care and recovery for women and men with past abortions and those impacted by an abortion decision.

  • Facilitating small groups for 8-12 week studies for women
  • Lead men one on one through a devotional
  • Administrative assistance organizing studies and retreats
  • Moderating social media and ministry efforts


Promoting unity and building best practices among pro-life stakeholders, churches, ministry partners, and Watermark.

  • Creating research and summarizing data regarding abortions and unexpected pregnancies
  • Planning and promoting events with pro-life organizations and medical professionals
  • Connecting with leaders and legislators to inform Watermark how to improve care for women and men
  • Leading regional and statewide efforts to equip churches in pro-life ministry across Texas through the Texas ProLife Network

Tell us more about your situation.

Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.


Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.